
Reach Plus


REACH PLUS is a bespoke grant award for high growth potential companies who have a strong working relationships with commissioners and broadcasters and have delivered to broadcast platforms.

REACH requires a minimum of 50% cash match funding and all expenditure must be spent externally and evidenced. REACH awards cannot be retrospective. This award is not for company overheads or payroll of existing employees. 

The maximum amount awarded for REACH is £25,000. Only companies with a significant track record and currently working with broadcasters will be considered.


We are looking for distinctive and high-quality activity that can bolster company infrastructure in order to drive slate development or become investment ready and leverage further finance or partnerships from the wider marketplace. We are looking to balance projects likely to make a cultural impact with those with strong economic potential.

Activity should have a clearly defined and viable route to winning new business and should support the creative and professional development of SME’s including writers, directors, producers, craft and technical talent based in the North East region.

Looking to apply? Please ensure you read the guidelines and follow our application checklist (below).


North East Screen’s REACH scheme is funded by the North East Screen Industries Partnership (NESIP).


The Application Checklist 

Application Form 

Business Eligibility Form

EDI Form  

Budget/Funding Template 


Please note: all applications for funding must be for future spend. We cannot award funding for projects or activity where money has already been spent.


When can you apply?

We will open the application process periodically.

This year’s REACH timetable:

7th October 2024 – R8 Launch

4th November 2024 – R8 Applications Close

2nd December 2024 – R8 Awarded


6th January 2025 – R9 Launch

3rd February 2025 – R9 Applications Close

3rd March 2025 – R9 Awarded


In exceptional circumstances, REACH Plus can be awarded outside of these times. Please contact to arrange a meeting to discuss your project before applying.